My Computerized Palm Reading from 1997

Long before the recent rise in AI, computers could apparently perform palm readings. Computerized palm readings represent a fascinating intersection of ancient practices and modern technology. Traditionally, palmistry involves analyzing the lines on a person’s palm to predict their future and infer their personality traits. In the digital age, this practice has been transformed by artificial intelligence and machine learning.

These are the results of my computerized palmistry at the Wisconsin State Fair back in 1997.

Heart Line 💙

Love and sex are at the top of your wants and they are not usually in short supply. One requirement for those close to you is truth and faithfulness. Don’t betray yourself because you never forget an indiscretion or lie. Trust is very important because without trust you no longer have you. You are loyal to the very end and can be depended on.

Life Line 🛟

You if no one else can even pull yourself up by your bootstraps and from the deepest pit? People usually underestimate you but they shouldn’t, because your luck and skill are tough to beat. You tend to hold grudges and god help the one you turn your anger at because you have what it takes to bury anyone while you go and win.

Fate Line ⚰️

Some of the occupations you would be good in are FBI, medicine, missionary work, psychology, art and business. It may take you a while, but success is yours if you desire it. You love to break new ground as you love the challenge both with people and work. You know what is right for you more than anyone, so do what you want.

Health Line 🩻

Your health is excellent. Just keep it that way. A well-earned vacation would help your overall well-being and what would make it even better is to include the one you love to go along also. Just rest and relax. Good luck!

My lucky numbers: 36-02-19-36-29-01


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