
Posts written by this user

Owner/Lead WriterMilwaukee, WI114 Posts

I’ve been writing and blogging for over twenty years now. The topics that I typically write about center around my books and writings. However, I also like to write about my experiences and discoveries with web and graphic design. 🧸

Last seen 3 hours ago

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A year ago this month, Napoleon's (a local pen and paper game shop) closed it's doors. It was a store that was around for almost my entire life, one that my old elementary school was across the street from, and I would walk past it nearly every day going to and from school. At one point in it's history, it [...]

I recently bought a nice DVD Burner (it's just amazing how cheap these drives are now) and one of the first things that I did with it was create a DVD video disc that contains the three movies that are on this site. The software I used to compile the video onto the disc was not the world's greatest, because [...]

As it stands my site is pretty much complete. Well, until this time next year when I decide to start all over again. In the end, this site turned out the way I had originally envisioned. I pride myself in knowing that I went out of my way to make this site (and other sites I design) as w3c compliant [...]

Since this web site went live a couple of months ago, I have managed to get everything online that I intend to. Pretty much all of my finished works are one this site, though I do have several active projects that are not on this site as of yet. More recently, I have inserted a site wide and internet search [...]

This is a movie I created of the Nott Memorial located at Union College in Schenectady, NY. My goal is to recreate the structure as it appeared in the late 19th century. Since the Nott was heavily renovated in the late 20th century, the interior of my model does not exactly match what is there today, but it is close. I modeled the structure [...]

I was born on March 20, 1978, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Mary Anne and Robert T. Balmer. I went to Homestead High School in the Mequon, WI school district, and graduated in June of 1996. I spent the next several years experimenting with college trying to find something that I like. I spent a couple of years in Schenectady, NY [...]

I currently use Windows XP running on an Athlon XP 2000 machine with 1GB of RAM that I built two years ago. Surprisingly, this computer has aged pretty well considering all the new stuff that's out there today. I want to upgrade it at some point soon since the motherboard in this machine can take a higher-clocked CPU than the [...]

I currently not working on any large-scale projects, but I am working on a lot of short character animations. I'm also trying to get more into Blender as well since that is what I hope to create for my next major project. This is a short list of things that I would like to do: More animated movies with the [...]

Welcome to! This is the fifth, and very blue, version of my personal website. As well, it hosts my animations and my many 3D images and my various website designs. This site began many years ago through a free Roadrunner web hosting service that grew into the site that you see here today. The reason that the site so [...]