
Posts written by this user

Owner/Lead WriterMilwaukee, WI114 Posts

I’ve been writing and blogging for over twenty years now. The topics that I typically write about center around my books and writings. However, I also like to write about my experiences and discoveries with web and graphic design. 🧸

Last seen 1 day ago

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Well, I'm going to redo this site once again. The new design will be a little more contemporary and designed more along the lines of the sites I have done recently for other people. With a little luck, I will get some real web hosting for my domain name (

This is the first movie that I made and I spent some time planning out how the storyboard would flow. The end result included pretty much everything that I intended to put in this movie plus some last-minute ideas. Most notable is that the room itself was based on my own including the furniture and most of the little trinkets [...]

I finally broke down and completely redid my entire website. All the graphics before you were created by me and only me, using a number of programs at my disposal. Also, I created this site with Internet Explorer in mind, so I have no idea how well this site will show up in Netscape, Mozilla, or Opera. Other than that [...]

I have begun work on a new movie. This one's going to be a little different than my others. I plan to use two Christmas teddy bears and, basically, the movie is going to be a little bit like 'Toy Story' only without the dialog. It's going to take some time to create.

This is the complete list of movies that I enjoy more or less.  Some of these movies are well known while some of the others are lesser-known cult classics.  This list is composed of the movies that I feel are worth writing about. James Cameron's Films Hands down James Cameron is my favorite film writer-director to this day. All of [...]

The first of my many rants is now online.  This one is about Online Gaming.  My future rants will include the "new" Battletech, computer game development, the 9/11 attacks (maybe), software piracy, Sci-Fi TV shows, and the quality of computer porn (well, maybe not that last one.) Playing games over the Internet is a fairly new innovation.  It originated from [...]

I wrote a story that I want to make into a Neverwinter Nights mod, la-de-da.  It's part of my new strategy, as to landing a decent job... maybe.  Unfortunately, this game won't be out until spring (*praying*), so I have no idea if it's even possible for me to create this mod.  We'll see...

Well, it seems everything is slowly getting back to normal here in the U.S. (no more round-the-clock news coverage.)  Anyway, due to recent events, I don't believe I will be able to make the movie that I mentioned below.  Primarily, because it involves a city and two airplanes (a very, very bad combination at the moment), so I'm guessing that [...]

Black Tuesday indeed.  I hope they get the guy that masterminded it, and he knows who he is!  If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to stop hanging around "Ted's Pitiful Homepage" and check out MSNBC or CNN or just turn on the television.

This is an attempt I made at a floor plan for a tabletop run of D&D. It only consists of two floors of an inn and a relatively linear dungeon. I was inspired to make this while playing Baldur's Gate. This was made in Photoshop, and I have never used this in any practical manner. The Severed Hand Inn Map [...]