
Posts written by this user

Owner/Lead WriterMilwaukee, WI114 Posts

I’ve been writing and blogging for over twenty years now. The topics that I typically write about center around my books and writings. However, I also like to write about my experiences and discoveries with web and graphic design. 🧸

Last seen 2 days ago

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You can find everything you want to know about this book right here. What Mistletoe's Night is a story about a teddy bear whose sole purpose in life is to be a Christmas decoration... until one December day, he is thrown out with the trash and has to find a new home. Get the Mistletoe's Night on Lulu Why A number [...]

I had my first EMT-Basic class this evening. This is certainly going to be an interesting experience. The ride along portion of the course alone should be eye opening enough. I never been inside an ambulance one way or an other. But, I am still unsure if I want to do that for a living. At the very least I [...]

I went to Gen Con every year through the 90's up until it was moved out of Milwaukee. I miss it even though I admittedly never took part in the actual gaming that went on there. I did, however, enjoy exploring the exhibit hall and gazing at all the hard-to-find stuff that you couldn't get anywhere else. I especially liked [...]

A couple of weeks ago I decided to make some swords out of some scrap wood that I had lying around at my parent's house. I've always enjoyed creating things and since most of my creations are not in a tactile form, I thought it would be nice to make something I could touch, and my Dad has a workshop [...]

I’ve redesigned my site around a new content management system that I wrote from scratch. On this new site, I stripped away the unnecessary material and streamlined what I had left. Most of my gallery works are, at this point, pretty old, so I’ve pushed them into the back seat and I'm focusing on my more recent works, such as [...]

I made my own iGoogle homepage theme with Inkscape. The creation process wasn't too bad, Google's documentation was okay, but as a web designer I wish Google allowed a bit more freedom in the design of a few of the graphical elements. I'll probably update it in the future, fix a few minor things. I may even do a winter [...]

Another year older. Another year wiser. If you hadn't already guessed from the title of this site. And my book is now available on for all your reading pleasure.

Obviously I didn't live up to my blogging promise. I really haven't felt compelled to write about anything over the past year, and I don't particularly like to write about nothing just for the sake of writing something everyday or so (or in my case every year). But to sum this year up, 2007 was a lot like 2006: for [...]

It's been a while since I've written a blog, mainly because I don't have much to report on. I'm still in the hunt for a "satisfying" full-time job to replace my "not so satisfying" job, and find a publisher or agent for my book, which appears to a very daunting process. I may just go it alone and self-publish the [...]

This has been another pretty quiet year for me, besides a crummy job and limited social life, BUT I can now cross off two more things on my lengthy projects list: REMLAB is now officially completed from the standpoint of the initial goals that I intended to reach. I do plan on improving and expanding REMLAB over time (there's plenty [...]